Friday, June 20, 2008

Betwixt and Between...

Miniature Rosebud
Miniature Rose

The weather has been all over the map lately - from a heat wave to thunderstorms and now finally some beautiful cooler, less humid summer weather - the kind I'd love to have all summer long. I have been out with my camera a bit (recent shots are interspersed here in this post), as well as going to my son's baseball playoffs and dealing with the schedule changes of the last weeks of school. We have also been preparing for a possible new family member - a rescue dog from a local animal rescue organization. This sweet dog has some health issues, though, and recently underwent corrective surgery, so we are unsure how things will proceed. Of course, as soon as it's official, I will be blogging all the details!

Weed Seeds

Since finishing my Takhi "Bali" summer top, I have been "betwixt and between" trying to decide what to start next. I have been playing with some Patons Grace and got my order from Little Knits this week, but so far nothing has "stuck"... I have not even made much progress on the Jaywalker socks since my last post. I have continued to scan my collection of patterns and magazines - what freedom and space! It is easier to search for things, too, because I've categorized the patterns by type. Now searching for a sweater or scarf pattern is a breeze! No more thumbing through piles of papers. I am only keeping the hard copies of the things I plan to make very soon - So I don't have to waste paper re-printing a copy to work from while knitting.

My husband has scanned a lot of his technical reference books, but I don't see myself doing that with my lovely knitting books. Those I will keep and maybe eventually swap, lend or trade.

"Hi!" from Spike!


kathy b said...

OH a new rescue! i cannot wait to see the new one. GOod for you.

Anonymous said...

Love those roses! Glorious colours!Nancy